Welcome 2011 my blogging lovelies!
As we all know that not only is it a new year but its also a new season of the bachelor [and it may just be the most hated bachelor ever! but after all we wouldn't watch it if there wasn't drama in EVERY episode - right?!]
Can you actually believe that Brad Womack is the new bachelor?!?!
So after talking to one of my friends, and realizing how much fun football fantasy drafts can be - we decided that making a bachelor fantasy draft [of who you think is going to make it to the final rose and who do you think gets the boot every week].
So with today being the first episode - I want you to pick who you think [not who reality steve told you to pick] will be the person with the final rose at the end of the season!
I'm all about competition - and there will be a prize whoever gets the most right over the course of the next several weeks... [and lets be honest - who doesn't love a little friendly competition!]
So let the commenting begin - who do you think Brad will propose to at the end of the season?!!?
Here are the girls:
24 years old
Apparel Merchant
24 years old
Apparel Merchant

26 years old

26 years old
Ellerbe, NC

25 years old

25 years old
Food Writer

28 years old
Executive Assistant

30 years old

24 years old
Childrens' Hospital Even Planner

26 years old
Operations Manager

27 years old

28 years old
Sales Director

28 years old
Radio City Rockette

27 years old
Marketing Coordinator

27 years old
Insurance Agent

26 years old
High School Teacher

25 years old
1st grade teacher

24 years old
Marketing Coordinator

27 years old
Sales Consultant

25 years old

26 years old
Sports Publicist

30 years old
Fashion Marketer

32 years old

30 years old

29 years old

30 years old

28 years old

25 years old
Musical Theater Performer

27 years old
Real Estate Broker

25 years old
Funeral Director

26 years old

hmm... I'm going with Emily, the blond! Children's Hospital event planner... yep, sounds like a winner to me! ;)
I think Lisa M was the one whose profile I liked!
GO TEACHERS!! :) Didn't read the profiles, but I'll always root for the get paid for nothing to do EVERYTHING teachers. So excited. Thanks for the reminder!
I'm going to go with Emily, the Children's Hospital planner or Alli. I don't even know if I'm going to watch it because I don't think that he should get a second chance!
Lacey was a sorority sister of mine, can't wait to watch tonight. I always root for the teachers! But I totally agree with Brittany, he doesn't' deserve to be on again??
Ahhh...I don't know who to pick!! I'll have to give you my opinion tomorrow! :)
Oh my.. too funny. Manscaper? Love it!
I'm thinking Emily. Super cute!
I did a bachelor top picks tonight on my blog! I'm rooting for Emily, and if Emily doesnt win, then ashley s.
Emily is TOO adorable. and Southern! love it.
Is it just me or do all of these girls look alike!? I mean really? I don't think I'll be getting into this season, can you believe it!?
Someone actually named their child Keltie? And what exactly is a Manscaper?
My vote is for Lauren the teacher.
And since I missed last nights episode I'll catch up on DVR tonight. Hope I didn't blow it already!
I'm going to have to pick Keltie for him!
Oh, and funeral director?! Really! OMG! That's just strange!
I haven't watched this season (though I did see the preview of the chick slapping him!), but based on looks alone, I'd say Jill. She looks real, down-to-earth, and girl-next-door-ish. I don't know if I'm going to watch this season or not, but I'm always interested to see who's the last woman standing!
I think it's going to be Emily, the girl who's from WV right? She seems pretty normal and the fact that she's from wv (my home state) makes me like her.
I feel slightly unpopular because I don't really watch The Bachelor, hah! A few questions... if they don't have a profession listed, do they not work? What is a "food writer"?? :-D And what do you think of that Lisa M girl?? She went to KU :-) Who do YOU like? (or do you keep that to yourself?) Have fun watching, Lindsey!!
i havent made my pick yet.. maybe the chick with fangs!? hahahha.
i'm going with emily or ashley s (the one he gave the first impression rose to, is that right?).
they edited madison's fangs out in that picture you posted. ha!
Emily is for sure my favorite! Based on how much time they spent on her story on Monday I bet she is there for quite sometime.
I hope you enjoyed the Bachelor!! I gave you a stylish blogger award that I received earlier!
Hello. And Bye.
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