**First off, thank you for all the sweet comments about Molly's birthday. I'm quite certain that she had NO clue that everyone was there for her, however she was a happy kid like always and I made sure to give her extra loving that day!**
So what if...

So what if...

- I downloaded my first ever song off iTunes this past weekend... before J would always download the songs for me [pathetic i know!]
- I still haven't taken off my gel nails - I'm just letting them grow out until they are gone
- I have bought 2-3 bags of pop chips every week at the grocery store, and J and I can eat/share the bag in one sitting
- I get excited every time I see the Masters commercials- however its not the "real deal" unless it has the song and finishes with "a tradition unlike any other"
- I'm slightly stressing out because I haven't made a list of what I'm packing for my trip ... but clearly I'm finding this post much more important than doing so
- I made myself go to the gym prior to trying on bridesmaid's dresses this past week so my legs would look toned
- I cropped the living sh!t out of this picture and the watermark where it is because I had to cover up a hair that the razor must have missed [not a user error of course!]
- I called ToysR'Us on Saturday, saying I was in a time crunch to see if they could look up a registry for me and with a given price range if they would be able to bring something off of the shelf and have it at customer service for me so I could just run in and out.. and sure enough they did! HELLO CUSTOMER SERVICE! thank you again Toys R Us!
- All of my Christmas decorations are down [well except for my wreath on the front door!]
- I'm taking a class at the gym in hopes to give me "Michelle Obama arms" however each week it becomes harder and harder and more than just my arms are hurting when I wake up on Wednesday morning!
Head on over to one of my favorite blogger's blog - Life After I "Dew" - and link your blog up to hers!
haha love it!
What amazing customer service -- who knew?!
I am so impressed by ToysR'Us! Now, if only all retail stores had that kind of customer service! I would so love to have Michelle Obama's arms too!
So So SOOO excited about your Vail trip coming up. I so going to vicariously live through you ;-) And I'm getting SOOO excited for March Madness already... I totally think we should make a little friendly wager about how far KU and the Buckeyes get!! PS-- I had salt & lime popcorn as a snack last night and thought of you ;-)
I always wait till the last minute to pack too!
Arm workouts are killer. The next few days it is so hard for me to blowdry my hair.
Way to go toys are us, that is some MAJOR customer service!
Arm workouts are the worst. I wished toned arms were easier to obtain!
Can't wait to hear your recap from Vail after you go, so exciting! Get to packing and list making girl!
That's awesome about toys'r'us, yay for great customer service!
OMG Linds! You still haven't taken off your gel nails?!! I've already had 3 sets since the first round I got. Just peel it off!!
Don't worry, our Christmas wreath is still hanging on the front door, too. :)
I love all of this. You are simply adorable. My bff still has her tree up... So no worries there!
that's big time customer service for Toys-R-Us! we went there about 5 days before Christmas and it was a NIGHTMARE! never, ever again.
Wow!! That is like crazy awesome customer service!!
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