This little peanut was baptized today, and I have never been so honored to be a part of a little ones life {and just in case you are new to the blog, this is my Goddaughter, Molly)

She was perfect throughout the entire service

After the service, Jason and Katie, and then Katie's brother, Gary who was the Godfather and myself

And now J and I with the Garcia's

We went back to Katie and Jason's and had an amazing meal - including this cake made by Katie's mom {yes I am fully aware that she started to cut into it and I had to run over and get a picture for the blog - yes, I'm that pathetic!}

After we were all in complete and total
gluteny and kinda feeling like this - ha! {sorry I couldn't resist - she was so full from her bottle!}

We opened up gift and Molly was SO thoughtful and got me a new
Pandora bead. I will think of her every time I look down at it.

And here is part of Molly's gift that I made/gave her, a pillowcase dress. The dress says - no sugar added 100% me with a cupcake on it {blog post later with how we made them}

And just because the little behind of any baby is adorable - but when you add Juicy to it - who can resist.. ha!

ya'll had a wonderful Sunday! I know that I did:)
love the lil dress such a beautiful baby!!
I was wondering who little Molly belonged to! She's adorable!
I can't wait to see how you made that dress either!
So cute and she's so chubs :)
Cute dress!! :)
Gah, Im dying from all the cuteness!!! She is a doll. That is so awesome to be such a huge part of her life. Kudos to you :)
What a cutie!! You are so talented, the dress is adorable!!
Could that sweet baby get any CUTER? Oh and her name, LOVE IT ;)
The Juicy underpants... DIE!!! SO CUTE!!!!!!!!
wow you made that dress its so cute! Juicy has adorable everything but especially baby clothes!
Lindsay, Thanks for commenting on my Blog. It inspired me to write about my God Daughter! Also, I am pumped you are a Delta!
In the Bonds girl!
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