I believe one of the best decisions that I made while I was in college was to join a sorority. Not only did Tri Delta give me a "home away from home" but it also provided me with friends that I will have for a life time. Since moving from school over 3 1/2 years ago, I have been able to keep in contact with my friends from chapter as well as others in the greek community from Toledo. Recently we realized how many of the girls from our chapter lived here in Columbus, so we started to have monthly reunions. This months reunion was a ornament exchange.

One of the staples from school was called Jed's, they have chicken chunks/balls that are topped with a variety of yumminess... and they just recently built a few restaurants down here in the 614, so we decided to meet there. Unfortunately only 4 of us were able to make it but we still had a great time!
Here are Ashley K and Ashley S with their ornaments

And Molly and I:

The beautiful ornament that I got - Thanks Mols!!!

All of us girls... I had so much fun! I can't wait until our next reunion!
It looks like you all had a great time! I miss y'all!
So sad I couldn't make it! I will not let ANYTHING keep me from the next one!
So glad you had a great time!
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