I did however see a really neat craft idea that I am hoping to make within the next week or so. My VPs assistant showed me something that she had received from a from a friend and you will need the following products
A 1'X1' piece of slate (as smooth as possible)

I haven't actually gone to the store and looked at my options for paints, however from what i read online Apple Barrel Paints would work, and would be non - toxic, however I want to do my own research as well.

You can use plain cheese spreaders or you can get fancy ones to match your plates


What I envision doing is painting the letter of the couples last name in the middle of the slate, or if its for hosting a party I could always do something to match the kitchen of the host (with either polka dots - because I am crazy about polka dots or doing something relative to the seasons). Once your paint has dried add felt feet to the bottom of your piece of tile, so it doesn't scratch the counter of the receipent.
After everything has dried, you will tie up the chalk and the cheese spreader with a piece of ribbon (polka dot of course - ha!) and voila - you have a perfect holiday gift of a hostess gift that is unique and original. Here is something that looks similiar to what I was envisioning - however once your personalized twists are added it will be WAY cuter! (<--- and yes I know thats not a word, however I'm super tired, and I my brain has turned off!)

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