I'm loving particpating in SO WHAT Wednesday's with Mrs. Dew from Life After I "Dew"... I think its a fun way to get to know one another a little bit better!
So what if.....
- I have all of my Christmas cards signed and addressed and its only November 17th
- I make Justin sign his own name in all cards that we give - holiday, birthday, thinking of you card... because I think it means that much more when every respective person signs their own name
- that I still have my Halloween decorations up... until I can find a perfect place for my Christmas tree - I refuse to start decorating.. normally my tree is up on Halloween! this has not been easy
- I signed up to make a non-pumpkin pie dessert for Justin's family's Thanksgiving.... eek! i've never made a pie before... any creative suggestions on what i should make?!!?
- I threw a little bit of a temper tantrum last night when I realized I didn't record the biggest loser [even thought i'm struggling a bit to connect with anyone this season... its purely the principle]
- we recently changed cable providers and i'm still struggling with remembering ALL of my shows that I had set on the dvr - i knew i should have made a list before we switched over!
- if I wore a new sweater today to work - while sitting in a meeting i was mentioning how its strange that 2 identical sweaters can fit completely different because the one that I'm currently wearing is a little bit more snug than the other... and thats when i looked down and realized that i had it on backwards! and then at the end of the meeting the director i was in the meeting with helped me out and pulled off the M [the size sticker] that was on my back... oh the life i live!
I have the same problem with my cable and we didnt just switch providers! Shows you how much tv I watch haha
hi! thought i'd offer some help with a dessert recipe if you still needed any! not sure what your looking for but i know of a few really good recipes, for lemon pie, peanut butter pie & an apple dessert, let me know if you want the sites i'll find em! if not no worries! and good luck with your dvr list-i feel like im always struggling to remember what to record lol!
I hate when I forget to DVR my shows.....and I'm also having a hard time connecting with the people from this season of the Biggest Loser!
I am laughing out loud at the sweater portion of this post, ha-larious girl! I need to join in on this fun post some time soon!
Lindsey talk to mom...you know she makes the best pecan pie ever...lord, I can't believe your baking a pie. Are you going to make your own crust!? You're much braver than I am!
Oh, I've done the turtleneck backwards often!!! I always wonder why my neck itches ... darn tag!! Haha!!
Lindsey--please do not teach your lovely Goddaughter how to dress! You had me laughing to myself as I read that! :)
Oh, I've got a GREAT dessert recipe that is SOOOO EASY AND EVERYONE WILL LOVE IT!
It's Oreo Ice Cream Cake. I'm making it for Thanksgiving too!
It's always a fave!!!
Email me if you want the recipe!
Gosh, I wish I was like you and ahead of the game for Christmas cards!! And I always make my hubby sign cards as well:)
Just found your blog and i'm loving it! Too funny about the sweater... incidents like that are pretty much my day to day life. I'm your newest follower :) Stop by my blog sometime www.simplymedb.blogspot.com
OMG you kill me!!! I can fill you in on BL if you need!!
Don't worry, I still have my Halloween decorations up, too! They won't come down until we decorate for Christmas, the weekend after Thanksgiving. :)
And I'm dying over here about your backwards sweater! lol Totally something I would do!!
Dying over the sweater incident! That is something I can see myself doing!
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