1. i could eat peanut butter for every meal. i go through a container of pb in about a week and a half, i have a spoonful for breakfast everyday, and when i can't figure out what to have for dinner, i look to my staple - pb... its true!
2. i have some pretty weird quirks about food - i.e. i won't eat shredded meat of any kind - if you want to read more about my food issues - click here
3. i have a count down with a friend for kate plus 8 to return to tv (yes - even if is just Bri and I who intend on watching it - I am still VERY excited it!)
4. i have had my dog names picked out waaaaay before i had even thought about kids names. i love the names mulligan (for the dog i get from a shelter, a mulligan is a second chance in golf, and i want a second chance for the dog) and bogey. and justin wants to name a dog palmer (After palmer street where he went to college) however i'm okay with it because it went my golf theme
5. i have a VERY large extended family, i have 4 grandmas, 3 grandpas, and 2 great grandmas all still alive. i consider myself very fortunate to have known 5 of my other great grandparents before they passed as well.
6. i get really uncomfortable around people who wear socks with flip flops - like squeemy uncomfortable and i will probably walk away you because i can't look at it
7. i ALWAYS shop online or look through a flier before I go shopping so I don't impulse buy - i also make a list before i go out so i can make sure that i know EXACTLY what i am after, and i will make sure to bring any coupons with me that i may have - yes am i partially turning into my mother - absolutely, but its the only way that i know how to save money - lists, sales, and coupons!
While were on the topic of Julie from Brown Eyed Belle - I won this fabulous give-a-way from her a few weeks ago and I keep meaning to blog about it! it is perfect because i LOVE limes, and i am always about throwing fun parties for all of my friends! thanks Julie its awesome :)

and look how freakin' cute this envelope is - maybe its because i never go to the post office - but i never knew they had such cute things to ship your stuff

How awesome that you won a giveaway :)
I am excited about Kate Plus 8 too!!! I just can't help myself =)
Aw, Lindsey, I'm so glad you loved the giveaway! And how sweet that you posted it? I ship all my packages in those envelopes, aren't they just adorable?? I hope you've had a wonderful weekend! xoxo
What cute names for your future doggies! Super cute!
My mom and ex-step dad had three dogs, their names? Bogey, Divot, & Putter. You and your golf crazy girl! :)
P.S. Im secretly waiting on the premier of Kate plus Eight too! ha
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