Guess what time it is??? T2T time .. this weeks theme is...
Favorite Items under $15
now that the weather is getting warmer [finally] i am able to break out some of my spring clothes.. and i have started a small collection of boyfriend tees[i need to tame myself before it gets out of control]...i can't help it- - they are so easy to wear with jeans, and i through them on to do whatever, run errands, go to the ball park to watch jm, to work out... they are wonderful - here are a few of the ones that were currently clean... i typically get them at target, however this year i picked up a few at old navy, and jc penney as well
i really waffled for my second choice but I think i'm going to have to go with old navy wedge flip flops. i wear my gray ones just about every day, they never quiet make it up to my room to be put away - they are my go-to shoes for the summer [besides my sperry topsiders] they give me a little bit of height yet they are still practical

i'm off to the ball diamond for the night - tonight starts softball season... i am always excited for the start of softball season however after 3 nights a week for 12 weeks, i am ready to be done with spending my evenings up at the park [and yes i know i don't always have to go - and i don't but sometimes its nice to be outside and not be cooped up inside at my house alone - ya know!?] and i may be a bit of a worrier... and if something would happen to justin i want to be there [if i'm this way with a 27 year old can you only imagine what i will be like with kids one day? - eek!]
have a great day bloggers!
AHhh.! I didn't even think of this.! Girl you are good.! I love my Old Navy flip flops.! 2 for five dollars.! I want to go shopping now.!
love your picks! and you crack me up about watching after Justin...Ive always been like that with Ben but now I just worry about Raleigh a million times more and my worries for him get put to the side a tad!
If I find something I like, I always buy it in two or three colors!
HAHAHAHAH! You're hilarious! Ok Old Navy is the bestest....seriously
I love me some wedge flip-flops!! :) I like boyfriend tee's....and I can wear these working out? Woo hoo! Lord knows I refuse to wear jeans! Haha!
Love your picks! I need to invest in some of those tees!
Oh, I love Old Navy flops! I have about 6 different pairs.
I love comfortable T-shirts! I would wear them everyday if work would allow it!
I resisted DWTS for so long and then I watched and got hooked. Plus, I love me some Maks!
I love Old Navy stuff! Cheap and comfortable!
I love a good easy tshirt too! Just pick out a color for the day and your done :)
Love boyfriend tees. I probably have close to 20. They are just sooo comfy! So far my fav are Forever 21 and American Eagle!
I love those shirts, they are so comfortable!
I live in old navy flip-flops!
oohh boyfriend tees are the best! :)
I put boyfriend tee's, too!! They are just perfect :) And who can pass up $2.50 flip flops?! Good picks!
Great pics... along with my target tanks, i LOVE Target T's!!! I'm pretty sure I have one of every color!
Love your picks for the week - I ALMOST chose flip flops because I wear them until it's just way too cold :) BTW - Thanks so much for becoming a follower of Reflections of Grace!! I just love making new friends :)
Im a softball field junkie too! My husband plays mens recreational, co-ed competition, and mens traveling tournament team, its sooooo much fun to go out and watch him. Wish our boys were on the same we could sit together :)
Girl you are good.!
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