i am currently training for the 1/2 marathon that is coming up here in Columbus in a few more weeks [1.5 weeks to be exact but who is counting {eek}] so I am asking all of you to help me with any tips that you might have for running long distances... this is my first race EVER... so any help what so ever would be MUCH appreciated [things that you do to keep you motivated, how you over come the want to stop, ect]
the other advice i need from ya'll happens to be in attire... and i know that we all love talking clothes and fashion right - right!??! does anyone have any suggestions on what to wear for race day. I have a few stipulations.. i don't wear shorts [hello cottage cheese on the backsides of my legs] and i am not quiet ready for spandex [will i ever be ready?] so i'm thinking about buying a pair of capri pants for the bottoms but i want to know a good brand, something that doesn't ride up on you when you run, and something that will be comfortable on race day- and who knows what on top.. so i'm open to suggestions ANY suggestions that you may have
thank you so much in advance! i'm getting really excited for race day.
So exciting that your 1/2 marathon is just a few shorts days away! I will be cheering you on from Alabama! :)
I have some workout capri pants that are NordicTrack brand from Sears. They are so awesome that I have 3 pairs of the same pant and that is basically all I wear to the gym. Another great place to look for workout/race clothes is Ross or TJMAXX they always have a great selection.
I'm so proud of you for running this race. It's a big race for your first one! How exciting! I will be running it too, and if I see you I'll provide you with some running motivation :)
To stay motivated throughout the race, it's nice to run with someone and push each other, not letting each other stop. You'll find that the people standing along the route cheering you on are great motivators! Take the race at your own pace - slow down when you need to slow down. My motto is always "just finish" because there is no better feeling than crossing that finish line!
As for race wear, last year I wore capri pants that I got at Kohl's (not sure what brand - maybe Tek Gear?) and a t-shirt. I will be wearing that same pair of capris this year and a light weight t-shirt.
I love, love, love, my Nike running capris!
As for some tips
- Wear a t-shirt (long sleeve) that you don't care about to the race. It maybe chilly in the morning. Once you are warmed up, you can take the shirt off and throw it on the ground -- hopefully like in a lot of races these days, someone will collect such items and donate them to a homeless shelter or something simliar and not just throw them out!
- Walk the waterbreaks. Seriously. It doesn't add much to your time, gives you something to look forward to (i.e. next water break in 2 miles), and most importantly for a new runner ensures that you can get in much needed water. Its not easy trying to dodge other runners, keep running, and try to get a sip of water in.
- Also in regards to water, you don't need that much. You can honestly dump some in your mouth, swish it around a few times and then spit. Apparently, your body will absorb what you need when you swish, and you won't get cramps or what I call water belly afterwards :)
Hope that helps and good luck! Just remember to have fun!
AAAHHH a 1/2 marathon! You go girl!
I run in spandex capris and love them. they don't ride up at all.
i also run in t shirts and Champion C9 workout shirts from Target... so comfy!
Good Luck!
I don't have any input on your fashion choices for next weekend, I will be there to cheer you on!! :)
Girl, I am a horrible runner! So I have no tips for you, but I just wanted to say that I am SO proud of you!! You go girl!! You will do awesome and I can't wait to hear all about it.
I totally agree about the Nike running capris. I got mine at Kohls and LOVE them. Good luck with the marathon!
Good luck!! I am not a runner, but I do have a pair of Nike capris that are super comfy!!
I've been following your blog for awhile and I had no idea you were a fellow Columbus blogger! Good luck running! I have never run that far of a distance, but I have several friends who have. One swears by a pair of spandex-y capri pants from Target and the other swears by running skorts. She's run a host of marathons and so I'd definitely consider her advice! She also uses a visor when she runs--kinda dorky but much needed sometimes! Good luck!! :)
they always have a great selection
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