well just then I looked up and saw a car coming right for me - of course I kinda (okay I really) panicked because I am taking up the ENTIRE street and this guy would T-Bone me if he didnt see me... so I started honking - poor thing is probably thinking at this point - "dumb girl, first off she is stuck and can't get out, now she is honking like crazy at me, and all I am trying to do is help her so I can get through"... so it just took a little bit of rocking my car back and forth and voila I was out of the rut - and I was able to drive again... and he was off to the gym. This all happened within 5 minutes of getting stuck, so I ended up passing JM when I finally got back into the neighborhood. I appreciate the random guy who stopped to help me! I have been very fortunate with random individuals who have helped me lately - fixing my tire, and now this!
So with that little adventure I am so ready to put these away

On another note my training for my 1/2 marathon is going quiet well. I am through the first 2 weeks, which I'm pretty sure will be the most difficult. Year to date I have run/walked 17.5 miles and I am due for another 2 miles tomorrow.

I am really excited about continuing to train for the race. JM told me that he is going to get me a pair of nice running shoes for my bday - and I'm excited to have a pair fitted to my feet that are actual running shoes. I'm pretty sure my Nike Shox are not the best running shoes, hence my blisters every day after I'm finished running.
Happy Monday Bloggers
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