I was able to visit
Baby Blake today after work. He is still in the ICU at Childrens' here in Columbus. They are hoping to have him breating better, as well as getting him a little more stable before he can move out of the ICU. I truly believe in the power of prayer, and I really appreciate everyone who has said a little special word or two for Blake. Each day is more promising, and he is now in a much more stable condition in the ICU. As you can see from these pictures, he was much more awake than that last time I posted pictures of him. Although he was a little fussy while we were there, when he was comfortable, he seemed so content with everything that was going on.. which is beyond calming!

And there is something about this picture that I LOVE! There is something about the trust babies have with their parents, as well as something to be said for the healing touch... He grasped onto Missy's finger.

HANG IN THERE BLAKE (and Missy, Kevin and Zach), you guys are constantly in my thoughts and prayers!
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