Growing up in Columbus, Ohio I did what every rebellious child would do and routed for
that team up north Michigan
yes, I know I'll admit it
I watched one ESPN story on the Fab Five back in the early 90's and I donned the colors maize and blue for quite a few years
I also liked the Bengals....
...And then I finally I had a little sense knocked into me and realized I should be cheering for my beloved Buckeyes and the Cleveland Browns!
On Saturday its all about
I watch college game day religiously {maybe part of it is because I like Kirk Herbestreit}
We rock the scarlet and gray and adorn buckeye necklaces
We yell OH just to anticipating the response of someone else yelling IO
We dot the "i" in script Ohio

We brave the chilly weather for the later games
We tailgate before, during and after the game

and hopefully we cheer on the team to a victory
Trust me, being an OSU fan hasn't been easy in the past year. I will continue to stand by my team, and I'm hoping we can pick ourselves back up after last year! I'm ready to cheer on my buckeyes this year, and I will always support my team!
and on Sundays
its all about the BROWNS
and my fantasy football players

{please don't mind the dueces that I'm throwing up in this picture... I would like to think I have matured since then}
that team up north
yes, I know I'll admit it
I watched one ESPN story on the Fab Five back in the early 90's and I donned the colors maize and blue for quite a few years
I also liked the Bengals....
...And then I finally I had a little sense knocked into me and realized I should be cheering for my beloved Buckeyes and the Cleveland Browns!
On Saturday its all about
I watch college game day religiously {maybe part of it is because I like Kirk Herbestreit}
We rock the scarlet and gray and adorn buckeye necklaces

We yell OH just to anticipating the response of someone else yelling IO

We dot the "i" in script Ohio

We brave the chilly weather for the later games

Trust me, being an OSU fan hasn't been easy in the past year. I will continue to stand by my team, and I'm hoping we can pick ourselves back up after last year! I'm ready to cheer on my buckeyes this year, and I will always support my team!
and on Sundays
its all about the BROWNS
and my fantasy football players

Head on over to Lindsey's blog and check out what other fellow bloggers LOVE about football and their traditions
It is less than 1 month away until kick off!
So excited for the fall to be here to root on my favorite teams!
It is less than 1 month away until kick off!
So excited for the fall to be here to root on my favorite teams!
So excited for the fall...especially football :)
Ahhh this post was near and dear to my heart!! :) This is one thing that I miss MOST about living in Columbus. Being around my beloved Buckeye fans. Now that we live in Virginia we literally pray and have our fingers crossed every week that we'll be able to watch them on t.v. So sad :(
I love this and it makes me so excited for Fall!
We had some really cool temps the last couple of days...driving to work really felt like Fall (I even had to turn my heater on in the car this morning!)
I'm so excited for Autumn and for football season -- the BEST time of the year =)
GO GATORS! that is all. :)
I do love your Ohio scarf though. HAHA
:( This post makes me miss Ohio. However we see quite a few Buckeye fans here too. It's just not the same unless you're home.
Can't wait for Football Season!!!!!
I am ignoring the Browns section (I'm a Bengals fan), but we can definitely agree on OSU! I cannot wait for the season to start! I have full faith in the team (even with the heartbreaking loss of Tressel).
We will defend, we will fight 'til the end for O-HI-O!
Im from C-bus too! I just wanted to say Hello and ... OH!!!
I was a Cowboys fan for the fourth grade because all of the cool kids were doing it :) haha!
Looks like y'all enjoy these games!
Thanks for linking up! Sorry it took me so stinking long to get around to your post!
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