Happy 1st birthday Molly Kay!
Molly Kay - I am truly honored to be your Godmother, and I can not wait to celebrate every birthday with you, but being able to spend your 1st one with you is oh, so special to me!
I will say that through the past year I have never felt more blessed to have you my life. You brighten my day every time I get to see you!
I love you chunk munk!
Your fairy Godmother - ha!
2 days old
Justin and I meeting Molly for the first time

there is something beyond precious about little babies feet
3 days old
visit at home with dinner
[still my favorite picture ever!]
Datenight for mom and dad.... surprisingly I caught a smile on camera
[sorry poor quality from my blackberry!]

1 month old
before the scarf exchange
adventures in babysitting in March

playing with Justin after he came home from work
making sure her pillowcase dress fit her
just waving "hi"
over the summer
datenight for mom and dad
a little diva in the making
[you would have never known she was sick for her 1st halloween based of her pictures]
[helping me bake dessert]

Its amazing to me how much she has changed over the past year. This little girl has warmed my heart more than she will ever know!
As if I won't say it enough today
Happy Birthday Molly Kay!
Molly Kay - I am truly honored to be your Godmother, and I can not wait to celebrate every birthday with you, but being able to spend your 1st one with you is oh, so special to me!
I will say that through the past year I have never felt more blessed to have you my life. You brighten my day every time I get to see you!
I love you chunk munk!
Your fairy Godmother - ha!
2 days old
Justin and I meeting Molly for the first time

visit at home with dinner
[still my favorite picture ever!]

[sorry poor quality from my blackberry!]
1 month old
before the scarf exchange

playing with Justin after he came home from work

[you would have never known she was sick for her 1st halloween based of her pictures]

[helping me bake dessert]
Its amazing to me how much she has changed over the past year. This little girl has warmed my heart more than she will ever know!
As if I won't say it enough today
Happy Birthday Molly Kay!
She's such a cutie!!
So cute!! Having a goddaughter is amazing, mine is now 3 and she insists on calling me her godmother instead of by name! haha
awe she is just TOO cute! i love all of her hair, can KP borrow some?! happy birthday little lady!
She is so sweet! Lucky to have you as a fairy god Mom!!! :)
She is such an adorable baby! Happy Birthday to her :)
Thanks for the recap..and making me cry of course! Jason and I were just ooo'ing and aw'ing over the pics. She's very lucky to have such a caring Godmother like you! We love you!
So precious!!!
She is beautiful, how fun that you are a Godmother! :)
She is just adorable :) Happy birthday Molly! I love your fave. pic and the pic of her in the sunglasses - too cute!
Awwww, SUCH sweet photos!! I just love it, babies are SO sweet :-D Just precious!
She is so adorable! Thanks for posting the photos - put a smile on my face this morning. Your blog also makes me smile, which is why I am giving you the Stylish Blogger Award! See why - http://www.wordstorunby.com/2011/01/and-award-goes-to.html
awww how adorable!!! I'm about to have a little nephew this week and I can't wait to hold the little baby! She is a cutie! I love the halloween outfit!
So adorable! What a special God Mother little miss Molly has in you Lindsey! Such a sweet post :)
her hair really grew over the year!
she is so cute.
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