Hi there...
Remember me? The once faithful blogger about my life, paired with a few good recipes and occasional upload from Pinterest?
Well I'm back!
I am a creature of habit.
I like a good routine, and when my routine gets out of whack, so does my normalcy.
So when I started working 10-12 hour days the last few weeks
I quickly reverted back to the Lindsey from 3 years ago
The one who didn't blog and the one who didn't work out
I realized this weekend that I do not want to fall back victim to that lifestyle again, so I vowed to myself this week that I will
* spend more time with Justin *
* get back into the gym 4-5 days a week*
*not stay in the office past 6pm*
*start blogging again*
So without further adieu, I thought I could do a quick recap since the last blog post and what has been going on in my life...
because while the ol' blog might have been on a hiatus, luckily my life was anything but that!

Our family took our annual trip to Holiday Valley
We had a limited amount of snow when we arrived, but we still got by and had a blast like always

I celebrated my 29th birthday
with the best family and friends a girl could ask for
added colorful new items to my spring/summer wardrobe
celebrated the wonderful life of my great grandma
hung out with 2 of my favorite little munchkins
became addicted to Snyder Pretzel Bites: Hot Buffalo Wing flavor
Made sweet treats for my co-workers
took up a new obsession of painting my nails
and took a road trip to Indy {a 6 hr roundtrip drive in a day} for a camera class
oh yea... and I have fallen victim to this sweet little game as well!
are you playing? Let me know your user name and we can start a game!
So now that you are all caught up on my life over the past few weeks...
what have you been up to? What have I missed in the social media world???
I've missed you all, and can't wait to get back into a routine again!
Yay, Lindsey is back!! ;-) Loved the recap. Your trips to Winter Valley always look like SOOO much fun. And I hope your family is doing well after your Grandma's passing. Okay, and one more thing-- how are those birthday cake oreos?? I HONESTLY have seriously considering buying a package, enjoying two (maaaaybe three) cookies, and then throwing the rest away (I just CANNOT be trusted with Oreos...) Hope you get back into your groove quickly and painlessly! :-)
Glad you're back! :)
I tried the birthday Oreos at your request and they are delicious!!
Also those buffalo wing pretzels. My favorite snack EVER. I can eat a bag of them in about 2 days. So bad, but so good.
I'm addicted to Draw Something too mateyab32
YAY your back! MISSED YOU!
Missed you, boo...well, kinda...I got a little Linds with twitter.
And gurrrlll, I know you're gonna werk it when I see tweets from 5am to get to the gym.
glad to have you back!
I live for routines and I don't like when I have to break them.
I have been obsessed with nail polishes lately- and I barely have any nails. plus we have a great nail polish taste! Essie is my fav.
Oy! I love those Buffalo pretzel bites! Welcome back!
I feel like I could have written this!! My once 8 hour days have turned into 8 hour days at the office plus 4-5 hours of work at home afterwards. I feel like the worst blogger & girlfriend!! Those nail polishes are cute! & your vacay looks like so much fun!
Good for you I feel you on the normalcy schedule.. I need to get back on the workout train too...
P.S. still cracking up thinking about the tadpole drawing you did!
Welcome back!! It looks and sounds like you've been one busy girl!
Happy late Birthday! I am glad to hear things are going well! :)
yay! you're back. happy 29th, it will be a great year. i cannot believe i will be 30 this year. jealous of your ski trip, we have been dying to go snowboarding but with two kids now it seems impossible.
and, i am so sorry to hear about your grandma. it is never easy but losing a grandma is one of the hardest things i have ever dealt with.
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