First off, thanks again to Lauren from Blue Lux for the blog makeover - I'm still LOVING it! and I love how it gives my blog a whole new feel!
This week on Kelly's Korner is
Show Us Your Life - Guest Bedroom
[I apologize for all of my loyal readers - I know this is about the 10th time that I have shown this room!]
This is walking in the room. The wall color is Asparagus by Behr. It was VERY bright at first with nothing in the room, but once we added a lot of white and black to the room it became much more tolerable.
[some of these pictures are old and others are new... you will be able to see based off of the empty picture frames and added pieces to the shelf above the bed - its still a work in progress]
I asked a while back for any suggestions on what to put in the picture frames... I didn't want pictures of friends [no offense], we wanted something black, white and pretty neutral, and Justin and I really haven't traveled to too many places together to have scenery pictures... but my sister came up with the best idea of all - to put scrapbook paper in the frames. This is something that I can change out at any time, however for right now, I think i like them they way they are

the bedding is from HomeGoods and the pillows are from Target [the polka dotted one] and the front one is from Kohl's
the two end tables and shelf are from Ikea
speaking of the shelf - it is certainly a work in progress! I try to pick up black and white items when I see them and I am out... much easier said than done! i thought it would be an easy project that would quickly be complete after a trip or 2 to HobLob [boy was I wrong!]

and the tv....

So thats a tour of our guest bedroom. Justin and I are very fortunate to have so many friends come and stay with us... some days I feel like I should run a hotel out of this room.... and I love it!
Now head on over to Kelly's Korner and check out other bloggers guest bedrooms!